Well, there is BIG NEWS for the Tyler family; and no I am not just talking about the baby girl joining our family in a few short weeks! Though we are super excited to meet our daughter and start our family of 5; we have almost even bigger news...we are moving to Colorado in just a few short weeks!!!!!

That's right - always on the move, and ever hoping to step further out in faith and obedience, we believe God has called us to plant a church in Loveland, CO with some very close friends of ours! We are so excited for this journey and can't wait to begin a new phase of adventure and obedience.
Frequently Asked Questions about this decision:
Why Colorado?
Several years ago, God placed a call on my life to plant a church, but I knew I was not ready and the time was not right. In the last 6 weeks (yup, things are moving fast) God has released us to pursue the call He gave us a long time ago, and partnered us with some very close friends who have awakened in us a desire and passion for the city of Loveland, Colorado. The West is a different culture and place than either Katie or I have ever been in, and while we love the South and being in the "Bible Belt"; we want to go where there is a need for people to find and fall in love with Jesus, and the city we are called to has roughly 85% of the population with little or no desire for a relationship with Jesus - but they have an interest in spiritual things! So, we believe that the fields are white unto harvest and the time is right, and so begins our trek out West!!!
Why now?
The best answer to this question, is quite simply; because there is no time like the present. Our kids are young and we believe it will be easier to adjust to this kind of a culture shift now, rather than waiting. We also have watched as God has opened up the doors for us to make this kind of a radical shift now; and so we want to seize the opportunity while we are free and able to. Also, the area we are moving to is in a stage of development that really excites us about the opportunity; there is a lot of new families, new homes and new growth; but very little commercial development - which means families have not settled into patterns and routines; and since they are making "new choices" anyway, it is a prime time for the Gospel to take root in their lives and establish a "new way" of doing life!!
What's your plan?
This questions is a little tougher to answer, but basically - we want to pursue Jesus as we love our community and engage in the ever-changing world! We believe that if we are first disciples and obedient followers of Christ, and engaged and in love with the city; God will take care of the rest. Some of our planning and dreaming is going to be hazy until we are able to have "boots on the ground" and actually be LIVING in the city.
When is this happening?
God is so good, and in the midst of a big season of change - He has provided just enough of the path ahead for us to continue to take steps in obedience and move forward with His plan! We are going to get to meet our little girl on May 21st and than it is off to the races, essentially...My wife is going to have a scheduled C-section (prayers appreciated) on the 21st and begin her 6 week recovery from major surgery. During her recovery we are going to simply enjoy a season of calm, try to raise support for our adventure and really just love on our kiddos and enjoy our last few weeks in North Carolina. But, beginning the last week of June, we pack, load a U-haul and begin the 29 hour drive to Loveland, Colorado - pulling a car and loading a van with 3 kids (a 7 year old, a 17 month old, and a 7 week old) - planning to arrive in Loveland on July 3rd. AND THIS IS HOW AWESOME JESUS IS - we ALREADY HAVE A HOUSE IN COLORADO!!! We have been blessed with awesome internet searching by my wife and found a rental company that is willing to work with our situation and rent us a house that is in the PERFECT location, the PERFECT size, and just within our budget, and it is available the DAY WE NEEDED it to be and they rented it to us sight unseen (which is actually a HUGE deal - most companies refused to even consider it) So; if all goes according to schedule it looks like this:
May 21st - have baby girl
May 22nd thru June 27th - family time, recover from surgery, raise support for our adventure
June 28th - pick up truck and begin loading U-hual
June 30th thru July 3rd - drive to Colorado
July 4th - begin setting up a life in Loveland!!! (and probably try to blow stuff up!)
Does the church have a name?
Yes, we do - and the name of our church is "Waypoint Church". A waypoint is a GPS marker and since we are moving out West where the community is extremely outdoorsy and passionate about adventure, we thought a waypoint would connect with the culture; however we also want people to realize that there is simply one marker, or waypoint that they need to focus on and direct their lives and that is Jesus, the true WAY.
Do you have a website?
Yup, you can visit our page that is ever expanding and improving at
What about money?
Money is such a sensitive issue, and when you are trying to move across the country with a family and set up a new life and a new ministry/church it requires quite a bit of it. Here is the basic's - God is faithful and He has blessed Katie and I with jobs that are transferrable - so we have employment in Loveland already. This is a HUGE stress-relief, however, the church itself needs a lot of funding to get going, and we also need assistance in the simple cost of relocating across the country. Stepping out in faith and moving so quickly after having a baby is definitely testing our faith, as we look at the amount of money we are going to need to spend to get out there, pay to set up a life (first, last, securities and whatnot) and we look at how much having a baby costs, plus all the moving expenses - and the total gets rather large in a hurry! But we are trusting that God is going to raise up supporters who believe in church planting, and want to be a part of the story God is writing in Loveland!
If you feel like you are one of those supporters you can mail support to:
Longs Peak Baptist Association (write "Waypoint Church" in the memo line)
P.O. Box 755
Loveland, CO 80539
How else can people help?
We are in need of quite a bit right now, so anything you can contribute is appreciated. We need people to pray for us like there is no tomorrow! The spiritual attack since we stepped out in faith and decided to run this race has been intense - so please be praying for our families. Also, be praying for the city we are moving to, that God would begin to work in the hearts of people and stir lives to move in His direction for His glory. We also would love to know if you have connections or relationships in Loveland or Fort Collins - our world seems to get smaller each and everyday and if you know of people we could reach out to and connect with, please let us know.
What's next?
For us right now, we are simply going to continue to pray and make people aware of our adventure and wait for God to do big things as we pursue Him. We ask that you would pray for us, pray about getting involved and joining our adventure and we are grateful for those who respond in obedience and help us follow His leading as we make this move and begin this journey.