It is kind of funny, after spending so many years in Florida, and being so young when we moved South from Illinois; I can't say that I really REMEMBER a true spring time experience. This morning, I was taking Micah, my oldest, to school and I was driving through the historic section of Wake Forest, which is lined with beautiful old homes that have been well taken care of, and extremely well landscaped - but because this is not Florida, and we HAVE seasons, things have been dead and barren for some time now.

Well, in the last few weeks, spring has sprung all around and I have to say - I am a bit overwhelmed at all of the growth, green and beauty surrounding me. I had gotten so used to the colors of gray and brown, and the barren trees without leaves, that to see everything full and alive and growing - makes me feel rather claustrophobic as I walk, drive or run around town.
As I pondered this thought this morning, I wondered - is this sometimes true for us as followers of Jesus? Do we experience growth, new life, and the wonderful beauty of a relationship with Him - and get overwhelmed and feel like running back to the barrenness of the old way of life? Do we feel overwhelmed and sometimes scared of all that a life devoted to Jesus offers? I think we can get so used to the dead way of living that perhaps, a taste of freedom can be scary. It can make those of us who have been walking paths of dead religion and comfortable idolatry run back to the familiar because the luscious life of new growth, new life and beautiful glory for our King - makes us uneasy.
A word of encouragement as well that I am walking in right now, with a bold step in faith to move to Colorado and plant a church (gotta work this news into this blog somehow)
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