Saturday, May 18, 2013

A bit of financial freakout....

While we are super excited about all that is happening in our lives right now - there is also a lot of faith and sometimes some freaking out that occurs in the Tyler household!

We are in the final days of pregnancy (I say "we" like I have been a part of the hard work - when we all know it has been Katie) and I can't wait to meet our daughter on Tuesday morning!

And very soon after that, we will begin packing and preparing to move to Colorado to start Waypoint Church in the city of Loveland.  I can't tell you how much I find myself dreaming of Colorado, praying for the people of the city and thinking through how we are going to join in what God is doing to see a city transformed.

Last night at work, it was brought to my attention that some people may not know what it means to "start a church" - and I would like to take a moment and explain...we are moving there with some friends of ours, and our 2 families are going to literally START a gathering of local believers and unbelievers to worship Jesus and change a city.

This is not a small goal or task.  Where we are going - there is no church building or church people.  This is not the Bible belt.  This is not the South where the Gospel is tolerated and assumed.  This is out West, where the culture is about beer, marijuana, and making money while you can cause the good life is only for today!

This is a city that has experienced a bunch of new families moving in, and a lot of growth and yet, something is missing in the city - and we believe that something is Jesus.

It takes a lot of faith, a lot of work, and unfortunately - a lot of cash to make this realization come to be.

Just this week, Katie and I sat down and calculated our expenses in the next 6 weeks, and after spending about $2,500 on my daughter (totally worth it!!!) we will still have to be prepared to spend:

$2,000 on a rental truck
$3,500 for all the expenses of moving into a new home and city
$1,200 in fuel and hotel expenses to get to Colorado from North Carolina (30hr drive)

That's a total of $6,700 that we need to raise, JUST FOR OUR FAMILY!!!  Our good friends, the Sanders need the same level of support and financial aid as well...

Up to this point, I have hesitated asking directly for money...

But, I want to boldly ask those who read this and care about what God is doing in Colorado and where He has clearly called my family - to please pray about how you can financially support our journey to Colorado.  I believe that there are men and women out there who will read this, who could write a check, or give online and take care of the rental truck expense. I know that there are those who could give us the $40 it would cost for a 1/2 tank of gas (ridiculous - remember when it was only $10 to fill up a car).  I believe that there are those who could take care of one or two nights in a hotel on our drive across the country.  No gift is too small, and all is needed and greatly appreciated.

I believe that God wants to, and is going to do AMAZING things in Loveland - and He has given us the great honor to be invited into this story.

Now, I am extending the invitation to you.  Will you give and help us get to where God is moving so we can see a city changed?

If so, please visit to give online

or you can write a check to:

Longs Peak Baptist Association (write "Waypoint Church" in the memo line)
P.O. Box 755
Loveland, CO 80539

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