Monday, October 28, 2013

Blessing, Bringing, Giving

When was the last time you went to "church"?  I am guessing for most of the people who will read this, it was within the last few weeks.  I want to ask you something, when you went - were you blown away by the power, presence and persistence of the good news of who Jesus is and what He has done for you?

For most of us, especially those of us raised in "the church", probably not.  We have grown numb to the truth and unaffected by the unimaginable power present within the life of a follower of Jesus who is filled with the Spirit of the Living God.

We go to church, play our part, drink some coffee, sit when we should, stand when we should and bow our heads when we are suppose to.  If we are really committed, we may even take some notes that will never be looked upon again and leave completely unchanged and unmoved.

But, what if, you weren't numb to the Truth?

As a matter of fact, what if you had never heard it before?  What if grace was a foreign concept for you and you had spent your life searching for something, but weren't sure what it was.

Would the place you last attended have felt differently? Would the words the guy on stage sang/spoke felt differently?  Would you have wished you had one of those "Bibles" everyone was reading from?  Would you have desperately wished when you read your Bible it made sense like when the guy explained it?

My family moved across the country, to reach a group of people who fall into that last group of questions.  The people we meet are not churched.  The relationships we are building are not birthed out of a fondness for Beth Moore or Francis Chan, but something else.  We are missionaries reaching out to an unreached people group right here in the United States.  Colorado is an amazing state.  We love it here.  The people are amazing, friendly, welcoming, relational and truly great!  But, they have not been introduced to the one whom they are longing for.  They search for truth in sports, exercise, food, drink, money, and many other things; all of which leave them just short of what they expected.

Waypoint Church ( exists to help these very people find the Jesus they are searching for.  God has been doing amazing things in our hearts as He prepares us for whats next.  But, we need help!

We cannot do this on our own.  We don't want to do this on our own, because with all of our hearts we believe God is doing a GREAT work in Colorado, and has asked many to join in the labor.

We have outgrown our house, where we have been meeting since mid-September, which means we need to find a new place to gather on Sunday mornings.  Starting very soon, we will be gathering at Ponderosa Elementary School to worship on Sunday's - which means many things for our small band of believers.

1) God is blessing us with the opportunity to grow and develop as a young church in the city of Loveland

2) God is bringing together our very own A-team with the right gifting to help us be excellent in all that we do, because we realize that EVERYTHING matters ALL THE TIME - and we only get one chance with many people to blow them away with how awesome Jesus is!

3) God is giving you the opportunity to help!  With new space comes many new needs and we can't do this on our own.  We are in need of people to break out their checkbooks and debit cards and bless the work that God is doing through Waypoint Church.  We need $10,000 to be able to purchase equipment, signs, and children's resources to keep kids safe and offer a worship experience at their level.  We need you to give!  I believe, with all my heart that our God is able and eager to bless us, and those who are faithful, but we need to trust.

We have made it super easy to give, please just click on this link Just Give! and you will be able to give online right away.

Please help us reach this city.  Help us make a difference in an area where most people haven't yet had the opportunity to grow numb to the Truth of Jesus, and as you give, watch Jesus ignite a fire that burns away the numbness you've been experiencing.

Thank you for your help and prayers!

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