Thursday, July 5, 2012

Update from NC

It's been very hot here in NC since we arrived, over the weekend our high was 104 and this coming weekend appears to be just as hot. I thought we were escaping the heat by moving north. :) Thankfully the NC summers are much shorter than FL ones.

We are getting settled into our new home and I began work this week. Although it's work, it is nice to get into a routine again. The house is all unpacked and is feeling more like home everyday.

Micah is LOVING it here. The neighborhood is full of kids. What a nice change. He plays outside most of the day with occasional breaks inside to avoid the heat or to grab a snack. It has been a change for us to allow him to play outside without us being with him, but the older kids watch out for the younger ones and they stay right in front of our house (my rule until I feel more comfortable).

Levi is cutting four teeth at the moment (ouch) and Micah just lost his second tooth. Fun times in this Tyler house.

While our house is feeling more like home, we miss our family and friends. Our biggest prayer at the moment is to find our new church home and for community. Until then we are trying to enjoy our new slow paced life and remember it will soon be over once Nathan & Micah start school.

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