Friday, October 3, 2008

New Bed

My little boy is growing up. Last night Nate put together Micah's new (big boy) bed. It's a bed we have been wanting from Ikea but couldn't justify spending the money. We found the same bed on craigslist for almost 1/4 of the price & we couldn't pass it up. Nate, Micah & Nate's mom, Marsha, went to New Port Richey on Monday to pick it up (what an adventure that turned into).

Last night Nate worked feverishly to get this bed together. I think he was more excited than Micah. He never had a bunk bed growing up so he was stoked to be able to provide one for Micah. Nate finished assembling bed around 9pm last night & the fun began. Micah had so much fun exploring and learning how to climb the stairs! It took him forever to calm down & go to sleep, but thankfully he slept through the night (I was worried about him getting down in the middle of the night half awake) and got down successfully this morning.

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