Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New Commitment

So, I'm making myself a new goal - blog more.

About what you ask?
About anything we want...how God's moving in our life, our family, our church, whatever we feel like sharing.

Here's what going on in our life at the moment.
Nate only has something like 13 weeks left until he's a college graduate!!! The entire time we've been together, all 6 amazing years, school has been a huge priority. We are both so stinking excited that he's almost done with this phase of his education. So, what's next?? We have no plans, but that's exactly what we're asking God. What do you have for us? Life as we know it today will stay the same (except Nate won't have school/homework/tests hanging over his head). We realize our life is not our own - so what's next is totally up to God. We are merely vessels, willing to go & do whatever he wants.

Micah - man is he getting huge. He's two and a half & totally awesome! He's completely potty trained (even at night). Praise God - no more diapers or pull ups!!! He has developed quite the imagination lately, in a good way. It's been so cool to see him discover new things, pretend & become a great little guy. We're teaching him how to talk to his Father about all things & pray over his life. I'm excited to see the man he's going to be & how he's going to love Jesus.

Me - God has been revealing a ton about His nature lately, specifically as my Father. It's incredible to me that He wants to know me, hear from me. That blows my mind. I think it's because I didn't have a relationship with a daddy growing up so my view of Him in that role has never been sharp. He's been teaching me (through my husband, His Word, other pastors) that He desires to be my daddy. He wants me to crawl up in his lap & talk to Him. How stinking cool is that?!?

Life is fabulous right now. We are seeking God as a family with all we have, following where He's leading & readying ourselves against Satan's attacks.


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